Alan Lee - Big Bear Airport District
Councilman Alan Lee has a deep understanding of governmental operations and finances. He has worked to eliminate the duplication of governmental services and wasteful spending. The Big Bear Airport is a public entity that is substantially funded by our property tax. Alan will make sure this community asset serves to benefit the entire community and not just a handful of wealthy pilots.

Our Politicians

Endorsement Alert

Endorsed by the Big Bear Valley Community Association and the American Institue of Quality Public Service!

Who we elect locally will impact our quality of life and the character of our community for years to come. The Big Bear Valley Community Association in partnership with the American Institue of Quality Public Service has evaluated all the candidates running for local office. We reviewed their background, training, education, experience and community involvement. We selected only the “Best Qualified” to support and endorse. We report, you decide!


Total Volunteer




Issues Solved


Party Workers